The MS curriculum consists of core subjects and electives
Core Subjects:
English - Arabic - (native speaker) - Special Arabic (non-native speaker) - Mathematics - Social Studies - Science - Physical Education/Health - Islamic
Art - Coding&Robotics - Design&Technology - Drama - Tilawa (Rayaheen Al Qur'an Competitions) - Moral Education - French (for non-native speakers of Arabic)
Middle School Curriculum Gr. 6 - 8
- Our Middle School Learning program focuses on the developmental needs of young adolescents by offering a holistic program addressing the social, emotional, physical, and academic needs of the students;
- Our middle schoolers are encouraged to take risks, develop a strong sense of self, awareness of others, and a sence of responsibility and independence to prepare them for the challenges in high school;
- The focus of the curriculum is to provide meaningful learning experiences allowing students to become critical thinkers, inquirers, innovators and responsible digital citizens;
- The main principles of innovative learning are integrated throughout the curriculum to encourage necessary skills for our students' current and future success.
- Graduation requirements include a minimum of 25 credits plus required Community Service hours;
- Students have the option to enroll in a college prep 28 credits program;
- Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors courses are offered;
- The core program emphasizes reading the language arts in both English and Arabic, Special Arabic (non-native speakers), Mathematics, Science, Islamic Studies & Special Islamic Studies (for non-native Speakers of Arabic), Moral Education, and Physical Education;
- All students are exposed to a variety of electives such as Visual and Performing Arts, concepts in Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Architectural Design, International Relations, Business, Health, Environment & Medical Sciences, ICT, and Digital Media;
- Additional online electives will be available based on students' interest.
High School Curriculum Gr. 9-12
- The curriculum is designed to prepare students for life after high school offering a diverse and stimulating academic college prep program;
- Students, with the support of our strong Career Counseling Department, will be quided throughout the four years of high school to think of career aspirations and/or educational plans after high school;
- Students are expected to participate in co-curricula activities to enhance their academic program;
- Students are offered future-focused learning expriences to encourage and empower them to become innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders capable of protecting their heritage as they play a vital role in the global community;
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